Latest News
2024.6.1 Dr.Horike participated in the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese Biochemical Society.
Dr.Horike gave an oral presentation at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese Biochemical Society.
2024.5.28 Dr.Shinohara attended to the 71st Annual meeting of the Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Science.
Dr.Shinohara's presentation was nominated for the Best Presentation Award at the 71st Annual meeting of the Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Science.

2024.4.12 Ms.Shinohara was awarded a Doctorate in Pediatric Developmental Psychology.
Ms.Shinohara, who was a student at the Graduate School of Child Development, Osaka University, was awarded a doctoral degree.
2024.1.20 Dr.Horike participated in the 17th Autism Research Conference.
Dr.Horike gave an oral presentation at the 17th Autism Research Conference.

2024.1.14-16 We invited Professor La Salle, a collaborator, and graduate students to Kanazawa University and conducted a seminar.
Professor La Salle and colleagues from UC Davis visited Japan and held a seminar.

2024.1.3 Ms.Shinohara's paper has been published in Scientific Reports.
The study on gene expression analysis in hand reared marmosets conducted by Mr. Shinohara has been published in Scientific Reports.
2023.12.06 Dr.Horike attended to the 46th Annual meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan.
Dr.Horike presented our 15q research on the symposium ofthe 46th Annual meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan
2023.11.21 We held the 7th HOKURIKU Epigenetics meeting.
Dr.Osumi(Tohoku University) presented their research.

2023.9.06 Dr.Horike attended to the 95th Annual meeting of Genetics Society of Japan.
Dr.Horike presented our research atthe 89th Annual meeting of Genetics Society of Japan.
2023.6.19 Dr.Horike attended to the 16th Annual meeting of the Japanese Society for Epigenetics.
Dr.Horike presented our research atthe 16th Annual meeting of the Japanese Society for Epigenetics.
2023.6.03 Dr.Horike participated in the 41st Annual Meeting of the Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese Biochemical Society.
Dr.Horike gave an oral presentation at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese Biochemical Society.
2022.12.02 Dr.Horike attended to the 45th Annual meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan.
Dr.Horike presented our imprinting research on the workshop of the 45th Annual meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan.

2022.6.30 A book entitled "How to Read Diagrams and Tables in Research Papers," jointly authored by Associate Professor Horike, Dr. Meguro, and Dr. Shinohara, has been published by Yodosha.

2022.3.18 Our research has been approved for a grant from the NPO Rett Syndrome Support Organization.
The 8th Rett Syndrome Research Grant Program for FY2022 has been approved.
2021.12.01-03 Dr.Horike & Ms.Tomita attended to the 44th Annual meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan.
Ms.Tomita presented our research.
2021.11.12 Our research has been approved for support by SENSHIN Medical Research Foundation
We will develop a novel therapy for Rett Syndrome.
2021.07.30 Hirameki Tokimeki Science Program was held.
Eight fifth- and sixth-grade students from nearby elementary schools and two parents participated in the program, where they observed cells, extracted DNA, and made chromosome specimens.

2021.06.29 Our research has been approved for support by the Mitani Research Foundation
The presentation ceremony was held at the head office of Mitani Corporation on June 29.

2021.04.02 The documentary that we were interviewed for is now available on you tube
The documentary on Rett Syndrome that aired on BS Nippon Television the other day can now be viewed on the official Youtube
2021.04.01 Our center has been reorganized as the "Research Center for Experimental Modeling of Human Disease"
The new center will use the CRISPR Cas9 system to elucidate a variety of diseases.
2019.09.14 Associte Prof. Horike has delivered a lecture at the 91st Annual Meeting of the Genetics Society of Japan.

2019.06.01 Ms.Ariizumi, a participant in MRT, won the Travel Award at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese Biochemical Society.
At the 37th Annual Meeting of the Hokuriku Branch of the Japanese Biochemical Society held at Happilin Hall in front of Fukui Station on June 1, Ms.Ariizumi Gave an oral presentation titled "Elucidation of the regulatory mechanism of oxytocin receptor gene expression that controls social behavior" and won the Travel Award.
2019.01.18 The website of the Hokuriku Epigenetics Research Group is now open.
Website:the Hokuriku Epigenetics Research Group
2018.07.02 Dr.Horike awarded "the Hirameki Tokimeki Science Promotion Prize".
The Japan Society for the Promotion of science (JSPS) has awarded Dr.Horike the Hirameki Tokimeki Science Promotion Prize".

2018.05.24-25 Dr.Horike & Dr.Meguro attended to the 12th Annual meeting of the Japanese Society for Epigenetics.
Dr.Meguro presented our research.
2017.12.18 We held the the Advanced Science Research Center Scientific Seminar.
Dr.Toru Nakano(Osaka University) presented his original guide to preparing manuscripts for Journal Publication.

2017.12.18 We held the HOKURIKU RNA CLUB 2017.
Dr.Tomari(the University of Tokyo), Dr.Saito(National institute of Genetics), Dr.Nakagawa(Hokkaido University) presented their research.

2017.11.14 We held the 4th HOKURIKU Epigenetics meeting.
Dr.Tei(the University of Tokyo),Dr.Muramoto(Toho University), Dr.Tei(Kanazawa University) presented their research.

2017.08.04 We held the summer school program "Hirameki Tokimeki Science" for primary school students.
23 students and 4 parents joined in our program.

2017.06.27-30 Dr.Horike attended to the 43rd Naito Conference on Noncoding RNA:Biology, Chemistry, & Diseases.
Dr.Horike presented our research at the 43rd Naito Conference.

2017.06.13 We held the Genome Research Scientific Seminar.
Dr.Masayuki Itoh, M.D., Ph.D.(NCNP)presented his research.
2017.05.22-23 Dr.Horike attended to the 11th Annual meeting of the Japanese Society for Epigenetics.
Dr.Horike presented our research at the 11th Annual meeting of the Japanese Society for Epigenetics.
2017.03.10 We held the Genome Research Scientific Seminar.
Dr.Hiroshi Asahara, M.D., Ph.D.(Professor,Department of Systems BioMedicine,Tokyo Medical and Dental University)presented his research.

2017.02.05-10 Dr.Meguro attended to the KEYSTONE SYMPOSIA <Noncoding RNAs:From Disease to Targeted Therapeutics>
Dr.Meguro presented our research at the KEYSTONE SYMPOSIA <Noncoding RNAs:From Disease to Targeted Therapeutics>.

2016.11.30-12.02 Dr.Horike attended to the 39th Annual meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan.
Dr.Horike presented our research at the 39th Annual meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan.
2016.09.07-10 Dr.Horike attended to the 89th Annual meeting of Genetics Society of Japan.
Dr.Horike presented our research at the 89th Annual meeting of Genetics Society of Japan.
2016.07.29 We held the summer school program "Hirameki Tokimeki Science" for primary school students.
22 students and 8 parents joined in our program.
2016.06.28-07.02 Dr.Horike attended to the RNA2016.
Dr.Horike presented our research at the 39th Annual meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan.
2016.05.25 We held the Genome Research Scientific Seminor.
Dr.Shinji Maegawa(Temple Univ. USA)presented his research.
2016.05.19-20 Dr.Horike & Dr.Meguro attended to the 10th Annual meeting of the Japanese Society for Epigenetics.
Dr.Meguro presented our research.
2016.3.10 We held a farewell party for our colleague in the Research Center for Child Mental Development.
2016.01.26 We held the Genome Research Scientific Seminor.
Dr.Mikio Hoshino, M.D., Ph.D.(NCNP) presented his research.

2015.11.16 Basic research training for medical students starts.
Mr.Honda and Ms.Numata joined our research program.
2015.11.16 Dr.Horike attended to IHEC2015 Science Day
Dr.Horike discussed with Dr.Janine LaSalle(UC Davis)about our current research.
2015.11.11-12 Dr.Horike & Dr.Meguro attended to the 2nd Hokuriku Epigenetics Meeting (University of Toyama)
Dr.Meguro presented our research.
2015.10.30 Dr.Murakami(Hokkaido Univ.)presented his current research.

2015.09.15 We held the Genome Research Scientific Seminor.
Dr.Peter Carlton (Kyoto University, iCeMS) presented his research.
2015.09.09-11 Dr.Meguro attended to the training course for ELYRA Superresolution Microscopy

2015.08.23-26 Dr.Horike attended to International Symposium on Chromatin Structure, Dynamics, and Function
Dr.Horike reported our research in poster presentation.
2015.08.07-08 Dr.Horike attended to International Symposium on Non-coding DNA and Chromosomal Integrity
Dr.Horike reported our research in poster presentation.

2015.08.02-07 Dr.Meguro attended to Gordon Research Conference, Epigenetics.
Dr.Meguro reported our research in poster presentation.

2015.07.31 We held the summer school program "Hirameki Tokimeki Science" for primary school students.
26 students and 11 parents joined in our program.
2015.07.17 We held the Genome Research Scientific Seminor.
Dr.Ueda (Chubu University) presented his research.
2015.06.10-11 Dr.Horike attended to the scientific meeting, which is supported by grant in aid for scientific research on innovative area.

2015.05.25-26 Dr.Horike attended to The 9th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Epigenetics.
Dr.Horike reported our research in poster presentation.